Sunday, May 2, 2010

Part 2 of Culmination

There was actually another part to Friday's culmination of events and it arrived after I finished the post. It was the perfect addition to an already odd day - an email from Mark's dad. Not just any email but an email requesting my opinion and/or insight on the whole Jodi vs. Hettergotts situation. I just had to groan when I read it because it was going to require a very careful response.

I wait until I had a chance to digest it and then I responded as carefully as I could and hopefully it will do. Mark's parents still have not seen Mark's son since he died in July and now the fights are about what can be put on his grave. I mean really it's just so damn ridiculous and it gets me angry all over again towards Jodi. She's just so damn petty and hateful. The cemetary does not allow potted plants on the graves and if they are there, they remove them each week before they mow. Why Jodi had to take it upon herself to send Mark's parents an email stating that potted plants are not allowed and that SHE would be throwing them away herself is beyond me. Does she not have something better to do like raise a child and get on with her life?

This also makes me wish again that Mark had picked a better woman than her. I know she was there during his cancer but now that I really have seen her, part of me wonders if it was really more about her and less about being there for him. That's a thought I really don't want to have but it's there. I just hope that Mark never felt that way about her while he was so sick; I hope he felt her motives were pure and that she was there because she truly cared about him.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

It sounds like we are definitely going to have a few things to talk about tomorrow!