Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Way Too Long

I know, it's been a long time and you know what, I really have no excuse. It's not that anything stressful or horrible has been going on, it's just been a kind of steady normal around here. V.'s been back a few weeks now and doesn't have a plane ticket booked out of here yet so that's a good sign. I've noticed though when things are going "steady normal" is when I have a hard time writing. It's when things are swirling clockwise down the toliet bowl of life that I have the easiest time blogging. The writing becomes my lifeline, my digestion process of all the crud that has been force fed to me and the end result is a posting. I guess that makes a posting a turd of sorts! SORRY! I know that was over the top disgusting and probably uncalled for but it made me chuckle to myself how a logical stream of thought always seems to end in a scatalogical fashion. Be sure and look that word up - it's a hoot.

I'd like to blame this all on I. since at 3 years old, poop is always a hilarious topic. Unfortunately, if I'm being honest with myself, it's always been part of my sick humor. But if it gives me and maybe some other sick individual a chuckle in the middle of the day, then it's a good thing. I really do want to post more often and I'm going to try to do it.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Day Always Ends on the Plus Side

V.'s been gone over 2 weeks now and hopefully just 2 weeks to go until the next 4 to 5 weeks away after working 2 weeks here. I hate this economy with its' lack of choices and its' crappiness! Otherwise, I could just be allowed to be bitter and angry about this work separation instead of feeling as though I should just be happy we have an income coming in (which I am) but can a lonely woman just vent happily for a moment for crying out loud!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday I'm taking I. over to my parents' house to stay over two nights for a couple of reasons. One, I need to stand in a long line for my first choice preschool in the wee hours of the morning in a parking lot and two, it would be nice to be able to sleep blissfully during my primetime hours of 4-7am without worrying that I. was screaming for her mommy while the cats were charging my bedroom door. It really is a madhouse around here in the mornings. When V. is here, at least I feel as though I have a backup for the early morning madness so I can relax my brain and sleep til 7:30 or so. Woo hoo - what a woman of leisure!

Of course, I've already prepared myself for the fact that no matter what relaxing, pleasurable events I plan during this "alone" time and how much fun I have surrounded by silence without all the why's and look it mommy's, I'll realize sometime toward the end of the day, that I didn't laugh as much, wasn't as silly as normal, and have nearly as much fun as I would have had if I. was there. To be fair, I probably won't be dealing with nearly the amount of mess/clutter and emotional upheaval during these two days either. Yet, taking the good with the bad, when I. is with me, the day always ends on the plus side.