Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Way Too Long

I know, it's been a long time and you know what, I really have no excuse. It's not that anything stressful or horrible has been going on, it's just been a kind of steady normal around here. V.'s been back a few weeks now and doesn't have a plane ticket booked out of here yet so that's a good sign. I've noticed though when things are going "steady normal" is when I have a hard time writing. It's when things are swirling clockwise down the toliet bowl of life that I have the easiest time blogging. The writing becomes my lifeline, my digestion process of all the crud that has been force fed to me and the end result is a posting. I guess that makes a posting a turd of sorts! SORRY! I know that was over the top disgusting and probably uncalled for but it made me chuckle to myself how a logical stream of thought always seems to end in a scatalogical fashion. Be sure and look that word up - it's a hoot.

I'd like to blame this all on I. since at 3 years old, poop is always a hilarious topic. Unfortunately, if I'm being honest with myself, it's always been part of my sick humor. But if it gives me and maybe some other sick individual a chuckle in the middle of the day, then it's a good thing. I really do want to post more often and I'm going to try to do it.

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