Friday, March 28, 2014

Sanctify the Ordinary

Read a quote of Jack Canfield's last week and it still resonates with me.

"Sanctify the ordinary."

If I had to list what I do during a weekday, at first glance someone may think, "Wow, it's kind of the same every day.  How mundane!"  And if I was just looking at my day from the viewpoint of what I got "done", I'd have to agree. 

But within all the ordinary of my day (and there is a lot of it) are the truly joyful moments that will be memories I cherish.  Listening to Dominic singing "Hey Soul Sister" in the backseat, watching his little face light up when I look him in the eyes and tell him I love him, sitting next to Isabella at night reading aloud some of my favorite childhood books, and the three of us happily pulling weeds in our very own veggie garden in the late afternoon.  These are the beautiful moments that sanctify my ordinary.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Hard Times

I want to capture these memories of D.  He got his first band aid on his forehead thanks to splitting his forehead on the corner of a stool.  He calls this a "ba-boo".  Next, he likes to announce daily routines such as, "After sleepie-sleepie, I eat the fruita downstairs."  He requires that you repeat back what he says to ensure you understand.  He's all about music.  He loves his music class and picks up lyrics and notes of favorite songs on the radio.  He sings along and recognizes tunes without lyrics.  He may be the next American Idol for all I know.  This boy knows his cars (bat-bats).  While we are driving, he can point out cars which are the same model as my car, Daddy's car and Bubbi and Bobbi's car even if they are a different color.  Pretty observant and impressive.

My back was injured back on February 6th.  That's why I haven't posted.  Suffered greatly for a month until I insisted on an MRI which came back with two herniated discs, one of which is pushing on a few nerve roots.  Yes and that's exactly what it feels like.  Extreme pain...nose running, eye watering pain and this from someone who made it through 30 hours of labor med-free with 3 hours of pushing.  At least there was a reward at the end and I knew it would end sometime.  This pain has been over a month, 24/7, making my D. feel upset because I couldn't hold him like I normally do.  That's when I got mad and started demanding that something start happening to fix this.  Enough is enough.  I won my primary care doctor over and she and I have been working together to try to move things along for pain relief and ultimate healing.  It's going to be an uphill battle with the insurance climate these days but I'm cautiously hopeful.

On a very sad note, a long time friend of mine's wife died this week from pancreatic cancer.  We used to be so close but for the last couple of years it's truly been hit or miss.  I understood that he had a lot going on  but when someone says they'll call me right back when I call on their birthday and they don't call for 5 months, something's up.  To put things in perspective, this guy was my best friend back in the day and even after I. was born, we would meet every so often for coffee to catch up.  However, his wife was diagnosed with cancer right at the same time D. was born - the last time we saw each other was 2 months before he was born.  When I would talk to him, he'd say we have to get together for coffee/lunch but it never happened.  D. will be 3 this year and neither of my 2 remaining guy friends has ever met him.  Kind of hurts.  But I got off on my own tangent while the point was that my friend lost his wife tragically.  Their youngest boy is graduating from high school in June.  It just makes me so sad for their sons and for my friend.  I'll send them a card and say a prayer for them.