Monday, May 17, 2010

Adding to the Zoo

After a busy day yesterday I got I. down to bed, took a shower, started a load of laundry, set up coffee for the morning, tidied up, and finally sat down hoping to finish reading the Sunday morning paper. That's when I glanced over at the butterfly "cage" where for the last week or two our catepillars have been taking a long rest (I'm kind of envious) in their cocoons except...what is that?! Some orangy-red stuff on the side of the netting. Hmm let's take a closer look and that's when I saw that 2 of the cocoons were empty and there were 2 butterflies in there. Pretty cool! Then I realized that now I had to get up, find the directions, and feed these suckers. So much for resting...

The most entertaining part of the evening was that Fuzzy, my sweet but feisty snuggle cat, smelled that orange stuff (which by the way is butterfly meconium aka. first poop) as soon as she walked in the room and then the butterflies fluttered around and she went nuts. I mean literally, she acted like she was mentally deranged. It was hilarious to watch until I realized she was totally obsessed. Just add bringing the butterflies into my bedroom onto the growing list of bedtime duties. Most people watch their face, brush their teeth etc. as part of their bedtime routines. My bedtime routine? Move one litter box into the hall, move dry food in hall. Put scoop of dry food in bowl in laundry room, put water in laundry room. Go get Cat and put him in the laundry room with said water and food. Get butterflies and go to my room, put towel along door edge so that I won't hear Fuzzy pathetically meowing outside the door from 4am on. At least the door closes properly now thanks to the handyman's doing. You've got to be thankful for small things like that.

On the plus side, with poor Cat locked up, I don't start the day picking up crap and a full stomachs-worth of food on the carpet. The probiotics I give him seem to be helping too. Now I just have to up medicine for Fuzzy to get her diarrhea under control. I know, too much information but this is what adds to that swirling feeling I get.

Okay, better get moving to the gym so that I can get a workout in before I. goes to school. But before that, I need to feed those butterflies...

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