Saturday, May 29, 2010

Not A Stellar Start

The past 2 years it's felt like us spending time as a family was not allowed so I have been looking forward to a nice family 3 day weekend. I was looking forward to having V. home all next week and had fun plans lined up but AGAIN, the stupid company decided that was not to be. As always, the COMPANY trumps our life. It's like we're in the Mafia or something the way they control our life but we get none of the perks. Perks of being in the Mafia you say? Come on, haven't you watched GoodFellas, Sopranos, or Casino - those people had ROCKIN' houses, nice cars, jewelry out the ying-yang, good food, and lots of friends and family around to make up for the fact that the men were never home. Okay, so maybe I am being just a little sarcastic but you get my drift.


I was looking forward to this weekend but it's off to a less than stellar start. First, the girls refused to take the train down for their visit to save V. having to drive 3 hours RT this morning and 3 hours RT tomorrow morning so V. is off and driving. Why am I complaining about this since I'm not the one driving? Because that means he's not only gone the entire morning 2 out of the 3 of our so-called family days but when he gets back he's exhausted and takes a 1-2 hour nap when he gets home. That wipes out 8:30am-2:30pm from both days. With I.'s bedtime routine starting at 4:15 for a 5pm bedtime, that leaves essentially no time to go do something fun. At least we'll have Monday to be together thank God.

The other not so stellar part of this morning was the way I was woken up. V. didn't communicate to me that he planned on going to the gym on the way to pickup the girls so I thought I was going to get to sleep in til 8:30 or so for a change. Not to be because I was woken up by the bang of his suitcase against the door as he used it to push the door open. Once he put that against the wall and dumped Cat on the bed he walked out. During these rude deposits, I was asking why I never get to sleep in around this place and I guess he got irritated because to him 7:45 is practically the middle of the day. And maybe it is to someone who CHOOSES to get up early so that he can read 10 online newspapers without interruption and have alone time. The problem is that where's the benefit to the family if then you have to sleep 2-4 hours when the rest of the family unit is awake and ready for some fun????!!!!! There is no benefit to the family, the sole benefit lies with the individual. And therein lies the constant battle of this house: individual vs. family. If V. was here all week, I'm all for the individual time but if you're apart from the family M-F, the weekend should be ALL FAMILY TIME. Of course, that's my humble opinion but at least one of my guy friends agrees so I don't think I'm being estrogen-centric on this topic.

But I digressed with that rant 'cause that wasn't even my beef which may be estrogen-centric. My real beef was that back in the olden days, he would have woken me up with a smile and a kiss. This morning, it's just BANG, no words, an exasperated look, and he left. My usual morning wakeup is I. yelling at the top of her lungs from the next room "come out come out wherever you are Mommy!" or crying accompanied by one or both of the cats meowing and crashing against the door. And you know what, I think I prefer my usual wakeup over today's because at least the usual wakeup doesn't leave me feeling unloved, unappreciated, and that I'm an annoyance.

Like I said, we're off to a not so stellar start of a 3 day weekend. I guess things can only go up from here, right?

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