Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Survival of the Fittest

We survived yesterday a little better than I had forecasted. Don't get me wrong, there were a lot of tears along the way about things that normally would have been taken in stride by I. For example, she went upstairs while I was cleaning up downstairs when all of a sudden, there is shrieking sobbing and crying going on. I figured she messed with a cat and got bit in return so I run up there to find her in the bathroom sobbing about the smallest, tiniest, almost-can't-see-it baby spider on the toliet seat. And her standing there with her pants down, sobbing, screaming, and pointing. It was like that for a few hours. Luckily because I know my girl and had anticipated this, it really didn't use up much of my patience; I kind of felt sorry for her because haven't we all felt that way before? It's miserable and it doesn't feel good to feel that way. So I just removed or fixed whatever was causing each meltdown and we moved on.

No dreams about Mark last night but I did have one about fighting with Jodi about how things were. I also had a chaotic dream about going to school to find out what class I was supposed to be in and finding myself in a big, empty, dark parking lot while a storm raged overhead. Hmm, not too difficult to figure that out. I'd say that illustrates the "swirling" that I've been feeling lately. Last dream (that I can remember) of the morning was me and Anthony Bourdain getting it on. Nobody was naked or anything but we were definitely in the early stages of dating - kissing, flirting, holding hands, and feeling pretty great. He's not the best looking guy you could find on television but he's funny, irreverant, naughty, smart, and in that age range that I enjoy. And looks-wise, he is good looking in a rugged way, at least I think so. Definitely kicked off the day better than yesterday morning's dream, let me tell you.

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