Thursday, May 6, 2010

Deep Breathing

I'm in recovery mode right now, trying to pretend the day didn't kick off the way it actually did. I. was calling out, "Come out, come out wherever you are Mommy!" which was a good indicator that she was in a good mood. I knew she would be because she is SO excited about the Mother's Day Tea at her preschool this afternoon. All was well and good until... became obvious that I. had already given a lot of thought to what she was going to wear but I wasn't aware of that so I blissfully tripped over the trip wire and we were off and running. The trip wire was that she wanted to wear her Halloween Bo Peep costume to the Tea. Thing is, I want her to be able to wear it again this year because it is so cute and it's made out of material that isn't going to fare well going through the wash. I know they aren't going to get the paints out today but just running around on the playground could do it in. So I said no.

KABOOM! Off went the bomb in the form of a 20 minute long screaming tantrum so I left her to that and went on to feed the cats or should I say pick up the big crap pile on the carpet. So I'm on my hands and knees cleaning the carpet while the walls are shaking with the screaming tirade taking place upstairs (thank God the neighbors work!) and it's not even 8am. I know I say that often, the "it's not even 8am" phrase, but it's a pivotal time I think. Nothing unpleasant should happen before 8am - 8:01 let the fur fly but before 8:00, things should be peaceful and calm at least in my version of a perfect world.

So now I'm trying to recuperate and forget this is how the day begins because it'll put me in a bad mood and I don't want to be in a bad mood. I want to go back to being excited about celebrating my motherhood at the Mother's Day Tea. I'll head to the gym, get it all out and then leave it there on the treadmill. Sounds like a good plan to me.

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