Friday, April 16, 2010

Time Off For Good Behavior

Yesterday I got 4.5 hours off in the middle of the day to just be me and it was nice, I have to admit. Yes I missed I. and yes I am quite aware that the days when she's in school all day 5 days a week is just around the corner and that I will very much miss these days. That being said, it was nice to get a break in the middle of the day without having to beg, plead, or demand coverage just to get a few hours to myself during the day, which is usually what it amounts to.

I picked up a bouquet and took it over to my grandfather's gravesite for his birthday. Now post-Mark, cemetaries don't have the same feeling as they did before. I used to like walking around cemetaries looking at the markers, wondering about people. I know, I'm weird like that. But now, I go to one and it tugs HARD on that scab and it hurts.

After that I wandered around Kohl's for a short time, picking up birthday gifts for tomorrow's party, socks for I. and I (I always need these and never remember to get some), and some flipflops for me since I lost mine at the beach a month ago. It was relaxing to just wander, not worrying about potty breaks, not hearing how boring this is and CAN WE GO NOW?? I went home, had a nice quiet lunch and then it was off to the dentist.

I warned the evil hygienist that if she didn't declare my mouth to be in pristine condition, I may as well have my teeth pulled with the amount of work I've put in the past 3 months. I think it's amounted to a part-time job or at the very least, a labor intensive science experiment. Well, all that hard work did pay off because she was very happy with my gums and was even a little nice to me. So I'm out of trouble at least until my next visit in 4 months. Now to just keep up this level of care, that's a whole 'nother thing.

The last thing that I FINALLY took care of was calling a handyman to get some repairs done around the house. I've been putting it off calling since December. That's when the silverware drawer decided to dislodge itself and has been sitting on the ground in the dining room. It's embarrassing to admit that but with V. being gone and me juggling everything, it just became the ball that dropped. But no more because next Friday, he will be here to fix it. One of the other things I'm going to have him fix is to get my bedroom door to close (just a minor thing) so that I don't have to barricade the door every night to keep those doggone cats out in the morning. I can't imagine going to bed without having to "construct" the barricade - that'll be so nice!

Off to the gym and this afternoon is a kids' birthday party. I. went to sleep 2 hours late again last night so we'll see how well she holds things together today. I can usually spot the swirling water (ie. a flushing toilet) around 10ish, giving me a good indication of how many deep breaths I will be taking during the day. Fingers crossed.

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