Thursday, April 22, 2010

Still Recovering

Time for a short post only. This morning I feel like I have an emotional hangover, not helped by the fact that I had a dream that my mom was in labor and she was crying and screaming while I stood helplessly by the bed watching. Yeah, thanks so much Subconscious, that was ever so helpful. I did try hoisting myself out of the pit in the afternoon with a much needed haircut and a steaming bowl of soup for lunch accompanied by a magazine. And it did help until we walked in the door after school and there was a steaming pile of diarrhea under the kitchen table. This after I already had picked up a well-formed dump on the carpet from the other cat in the morning. There's just something about it being under the kitchen table that pisses me off. Talk about insult to injury. Well, that kind of put me back in the pit and I didn't climb out of it. In fact, I was too tired to fight against it and as soon as I. went to bed at 5pm, I took a shower and got in my PJs. The best thing about the night was the intermittent rain and hail storms.

Nothing spectacular going on today, parent/teacher conference this afternoon. Yes, they have those for preschool these days. Luckily, my child is the type who make these fun to attend because I know I'll hear how fantastic and kind she is and what mother ever gets tired of hearing that. Let's hope for a better today!

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