Monday, April 26, 2010


Before I get to the reason my post is titled "Whew!", I wanted to give an update to yesterday's post since things weren't sounding very peachy in the morning. After we all went to the gym, V. and I discussed the things that needed to be done in the afternoon, namely getting the refrigerator and picking up some odds and ends at the grocery store. V. came up with him taking I. to the store while I took care of the refrigerator which I appreciated. Thank goodness that's how we did things because the refrigerator turned into this 1.5 hour long torturous process but ended successfully, at least I hope so. Until it gets delivered next Monday and I can send in the rebate form knowing that the money is still available, I won't breathe easily. But I am excited I have to admit.

It is funny though because after thinking about it, this is like chapter 3 in the book of "My Life Since Becoming a Mother". Chapter 2 was needing another bedroom and moving into a 3 bedroom home. Chapter 2 was having to get rid of my sporty little race car for a SUV when I could no longer wildly swing the detachable car seat into that small backseat. Now, Chapter 3 is that I need a bigger refrigerator. It's something I've been saying for almost 2 years but a week from today, I will get my Married With Kids refrigerator. Who knows what Chapter 4 holds?

The "Whew" part is that today I had an eye appointment. I haven't had an eye exam since I had Lasik surgery 10 years ago. Not very smart I know but I kept thinking, "I can still see perfectly so why should I go?" Well, in the last 2 months, my vision seems fine except that when I've been reading, a certain part of the page out of my left eye looks kind of filmy. It's been driving me nuts and then started worrying me. I mentioned this to V. a couple of nights ago and he pops off with some comment that I must be getting cataracts. WTF?! What am I, 80 years old? But then I remembered that a friend of mine probably about 8 years ago told me she had macular degeneration and she would have been about 45 at the time so I started freaking out.

So I went to the eye doctor this afternoon and after all the tests and the exam she had good news for me. First of all, I still have 20/20 vision not only at a distance but up close too. So take that - I may have just turned 40 but my upclose vision is perfect and I didn't have Lasik for that - that's au naturale baby! What's going on with my left eye is that I have an astigmatism in it which according to the doctor is pretty common with people who have had Lasik because their corneas have been cut in the past. The only thing I need is a pair of glasses when I read, clear glass on the right side and corrective for astigmatism on the left side. I picked out an ultra lightweight, rimless pair and I should be able to read without that filmy spot. That's a big WHEW for me.

Tomorrow morning I've got to load up my 16 year old cat "Cat" and take him to the vet for an all day visit. This is pretty much spur of the moment as I just talked to the vet tonight about him and his issues and I'm hoping two things come out of it. One, that we find the reason why he has been pooping on the carpet with a little blood in the stool (I know, TMI) for the last few weeks and what the solution is. Two, that he gets a clean bill of health and that there isn't anything wrong with him. Poor cat is so gnarly at the vet, which is why he hasn't gone for so long, that they're going to have to put him completely under to do everything they want to do. He's so gnarly that he has notes in his file, like straight out of a Seinfeld episode, that he "strikes". I laugh when the vet said that because that sounds so much nicer than what he actually did which was hiss, spit, bite, yowl, and basically freak the hell out. It was beyond wild to say the least. The good thing is that the vet is the same one that I've been through many years of experimentation with Fuzzy's allergy problems so we have a great working relationship and know exactly what needs to be said. Bottom line though is that I want to be able to say tomorrow night "Whew!" about Cat too because despite our rough start 9 years ago, I am the only one he is lovey dovey with and he really is my handsome boy. Fingers crossed...

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