Monday, April 19, 2010

The Small Things

There's something about eating homemade bread and drinking a good cup of java (thanks to the hubby) in the morning. It's just one of those little things that feeds my soul and makes me thankful that I'm not already in an office dealing with petty adult problems after battling rush hour morning traffic. to keep this moment going throughout the day, that's the real trick.

Yesterday was a good day. I even got a 10 minute break when V. took I. out on her trike to get the mail. This of course was after I noted that I had not gotten a break from "my job" all weekend unlike him. I think this comment made V. remember a recent conversation about what foreplay is for me, namely a short break during the day. Well, whatever it was, the result was that I had 10 minutes that I sat out on our newly cleaned patio with a magazine and enjoyed the cool breeze. It was just enough to bolster my energies and patience level and make it through the rest of the day. It's always the little things, isn't it?
And yes, V. did receive positive reinforcement for providing me with a break. I learned all about that from The Dog Whisperer.

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