Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Can I Do It?

That is, can I really make a concerted effort to try to post more often? I think if I am going to do it, it's going to have to be done in the morning before the day's events and struggles pulls me down into the "I don't have anything to say" hole that I find myself digging out of at the end of the day more often than not.

So I'm going to try. Today I. and I are headed to the Wild Animal Park to enjoy a butterfly garden exhibit. I purposely waited for this week because all the kids should be back in school. It's no fun when it's a madhouse. Even the weather cooperated today - it's going to be about 65 degrees which is perfect for this place. That means the bee problem that erupts during the heat should be gone too. When I told her we were going to see the butterflies, I. said, "Like we went to before?" meaning when we went to the Palm Desert Zoo butterfly exhibit when she and I went on New Year's Day. The significance of this? She remembers things, she has memories that will stay with her for the rest of her life and I am part of those memories. Now how can I turn something so simple into something morbid? Well, here's how: I know now that if something were to happen to me, she would have memories of me, of us, of the fun things we did, and the love and affection we shared.

It makes me smile and my heart and mind rest a little easier knowing this fact. Here's to a good day!

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