Thursday, April 29, 2010

Five Minutes to Spare

With about 5 minutes to spare, this is going to be a really fast post. Obviously it's going to be a busy day but I. will be going to her scientific "camp" before school so I will have 4.5 hours to myself. Parenting today will be a cake walk. No matter what happens, with that kind of a chunk of time to just be me, I will have the patience to handle it. Of course, I've got back to back things that I have to do right after I drop I. off but hopefully by 2pm, I'll have a chance to relax before picking I. up at 3pm. At least one of the things to attend to is a business meeting which I should leave with $125 more than I have now so that's a good thing.

If I had been keeping score yesterday in the house from 3-4 pm., the score would have been Poopie Butts 4, Me 0 because I was gained up on and in the most disgusting way. I. kicked things off with a poo session - that was butt wiping #1. Then Cat came up with some extra poo baggage on his back end so we had to take it to the ground in the bathroom and take care of that (Butt Wiping #2) I went back to finish I.'s dinner and there he was again. This time with crap ALL OVER his butt, stomach, paws - it was DISGUSTING. Granted, he was under a lot of stress the day before and he's on antibiotics now but still, give me a friggin' break. Butt Wiping #3.

Back Cat and I went into the locked bathroom and practiced our best WWE wrestling moves. I could be totally disgusting and say that it looked a little like mud wrestling but that would be too much, right? I emerged victoriously, albeit smelly, took I. upstairs for a bath, when she informs me that I need to vacate the bathroom because she needed to go again. That has how we arrived at the final score Poopie Butts 4 Me 0.

My hope for today is that it's a much less shitty day, literally.

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