Friday, November 26, 2010


The morning after Thanksgiving to me is a morning of success. Success that I made it through Thanksgiving with my family in one piece and that I have 2 nights off from mommy duty. Well, technically I did give I. her bath last night and put her to bed but not having to be on alert during the night counts as a night off. She's staying today as well so that my mom can play with her all day and then we'll go get her tomorrow morning bright and early. The plan is to go to Legoland since it's down the street and we still haven't gone for her birthday but supposedly it's going to rain so we'll figure it out tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I've had the house to myself for a couple of hours. The girls had to head home this morning so V. left at 8:45 to drive them home. I toyed with driving with him just to hang out but decided that it wouldn't make a difference to him (he's not a talker especially in the car) and honestly, I would much rather use the time for sleeping. I woke up just as they left and have enjoyed reading the paper, drinking my coffee, and eating my breakfast in solitary peace.

I do need to get my butt in gear and get ready to meet V. at the gym and then we have the whole day and evening to ourselves. Wow! Now that's something unusual. It's a given that V. will need/want some resttime this afternoon but I'm trying to figure out some plans for this evening. Hmmm, I'll let you know what I come up with...for now, I will happily get ready without any interruptions and demands. This is what Black Friday means to me!

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