Friday, November 5, 2010

Birthday Sadness

Another quick week in our lives, a very quick and very hot week. It was close to 100 degrees here and I hated it. Fortunately, the weather is supposed to change tomorrow and drop between 25 and 30 degrees. Just in time for I.'s family birthday party tomorrow. Last night I wrapped I.'s gifts and it helped make me feel less sad about her 5th birthday. She is so excited about her birthday and by concentrating on that excitement and living it with her, I feel less pain.

I don't want to feel bad about it but it's hard. As luck would have it, a mom that I bonded with when our girls were babies who later had to move to Arizona, posted a picture of her daughter on FB and I made a comment. It prompted her to write me a message and we've exchanged messages for the last couple of days. It's been really comforting especially as we approach I.'s birthday because she completely gets it. We always have been on the same wavelength with parenting things and step-parenting frustrations so when she moved a few years ago, it was hard, really hard.

I told her how I was feeling about this 5th birthday and she said that she just started making invitations for her daughter's 5th birthday and burst out crying because she couldn't believe she was that old already. Like I said, she gets it and that makes me feel less freakish, less silly, and more importantly, less alone.

It's been hard to keep in touch, she had another kid, had to work full-time for a time, and is now a SAHM again happily. Maybe as our kids grow up and we have more time to ourselves (in theory), we can continue staying in touch because it really does help.

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