Friday, November 5, 2010

Is I. Intense?

For the last month, I. has looked forward to when her bedroom clock turns to 4:44. That's when we're snuggling in the rocking chair together, reading bedtime books. I don't know exactly why, maybe it just visually looks cool to her but she gets excited and watches the clock for when it turns. This week, I've warned her that soon she won't see that time because we are going to have to change the clocks. I know she doesn't understand this completely but she does understand that she's not going to see 4:44.

Just in case anyone thinks that I may be exaggerating that I. is intense and likes routines, tonight we got involved in the story's plotline and when she looked up, it was 4:45. She began kicking and then proceeded to cry for awhile until I could calm her down and distract her.

I don't know about you, but I haven't seen any parental advice in books and magazines of what to do when your child misses their favorite digital time. Once again, I. defies "normal" parenting issues and makes me scramble as to the why and then the how to deal with it. I guess I did okay with the how because she did calm down and snap back to normal but I still am shaking my head as to the why. She's not a boring, predictable kid, that is for certain.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

I have a feeling this is a "one of a kind" story to go with your "one of a kind" daughter.