Friday, November 19, 2010

First Day of Thanksgiving Break

I am declaring today to officially be the first day of I.'s Thanksgiving break and we're off to have a fun day. Even though it's overcast, cold and threatening sprinkles, we're going to go to Sea World for the day. We haven't been for over a year because I didn't renew our passes this past year. Then I saw a great deal for AAA members where you basically pay the cost of one visit and get a fun card that is good until 12/31/2011. How can you beat that?
Next week I also have an adventure planned with I., one of those "firsts" that I am always talking about. Again online, I found a big petting zoo up in San Juan Capistrano that sounds fun. But the adventure part is that we're taking the train up. I. has never been on a train and I love the train so it will be awesome. We can go up, walk to the petting zoo, and then have lunch and wander a little before jumping back on the train home. It'll be a blast.

But today's adventure is Sea World, seeing a couple of shows we haven't seen before and just spending time together, I. and I. Even though I. is off school next week, she will be spending Thanksgiving night and Friday night at my parents'. So I'm capitalizing on these days before Thanksgiving to fit in some fun in between some Thanksgiving cooking and normal tasks. Again, it's all about balance, right?Fu

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fun plans - enjoy yourself! The Tea House on Los Rios is a GREAT place to have a "ladies lunch" - walking distance from both the train and the petting zoo. That is one of my favorite day trips on the train although I haven't done it with Emily. I need to - so much fun!
xoxox Suzette