Monday, November 15, 2010

Snotty Monday

I haven't posted since the middle of last week because we're still trying to adjust to this vile time change. I'm getting a little more used to the early morning wake up time and actually after I get I. down for bed, I get a few things done before settling down for the evening. However, once this burst of productivity is over, I'm really tired mentally and physically and my brain is pretty much blank. Not so conducive for blogging.

Our weekend went pretty well - some playtime for I. with both V. and I and V. got a good nap in there. The only downside was that thanks to messing with I.'s sleep, she got a cold. Even though she's still getting about the same amount of sleep, she's getting up at 5 am. so she's pretty tired by 1pm and still has 3 hours to go. It's just a given that when her sleep is messed with, she gets sick. Of course, now V. and I are fighting off this cold and hopefully neither of us will get the full strength version.

This morning is I.'s first gymnastics class. She doesn't have a fever, her snot is clear, and this is the 3rd day so I don't think she's contagious. She would be allowed to go to school so I am going to take her to the class. After a couple of errands, my mom is supposed to come to our house because she wants to play with I. We'll see what time she arrives. I told her to come early since I.'s dinner starts at 3pm but that doesn't usually make a difference in her arrival time. All I know is that I'm not going to get I. in bed late when she's trying to recover from sickness to compensate for my mom's lack of time awareness.

I.'s having a frustrated fit across the room which is aggravating me so I'm going to extricate myself and start getting ready for the day. Whatever happened to a sick kid who just lies quietly on the couch? This one runs around and does just like normal but has a severly diminished level of patience and tolerance for frustration. Ugh!

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