Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Day of Rest

Today is Sunday and I'm declaring it my day of rest. Not from the gym but from laundry and computer work that's for sure. After putting I. to bed, I spent 3.5 hours working on project sheets for a client and tonight I'm going to take a break from that. This client is one of those hurry up and wait kinds where he talks about the work that needs to be done but doesn't send you the necessary material. Finally he sends a ton of it at the last minute, causing me to feel like I'm taking a drink from a fire hydrant. Good thing was I had the brain power last night to do it which is why I pressed on. Who knows what the brain level will be on other nights?

In keeping with making a weekend feel like a weekend, we are going to see a movie called "Babies" after lunch today. We saw the previews when we saw Shrek a couple of weeks ago and she and I agreed that even though it isn't a traditional kids' movie, it looked good. Officially kicking off my day of rest (as much as you get one on one with a 4 year old)!

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