Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Summer Vacation

Today is I.'s last day of school and I have to admit that I am a little nervous. I feel like I'm under the gun to plan lots of fun things throughout the week or it'll be the Summer of I.'s Discontent. I don't think my mom felt this way so I wonder what the difference is. Maybe I'll ask her today as this morning is the weekly phone call. I'm even more concerned about putting that "oh boy" positive spin on the stuff that I. will be less than thrilled about doing - the grocery shopping, the errands, the chores around the house - you know, all that stuff us moms try to cram into those couple of hours that the kids are in school. And my alone time, my off the grid time...I'm just not thinking about that right now. I think everything is intensified because V. is gone so much so it doesn't just feel like everything is on my shoulders. Everything IS on my shoulders. No wonder my shoulder won't heal.

But a bigger part of me is really looking forward to not being on such a strict schedule, it will be more free flowing and both of us will enjoy that. I look forward to taking I. to the beach, the San Diego Fair a couple of times, and all the other things I can find that we can just have fun together. Plus we'll go on a lot of playdates with my momma's group and plan to see her school friends weekly at the park. You know, we're going to have a really fun summer, I can just feel it in my bones.

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