Saturday, June 5, 2010

Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel

After I waited at the restaurant this morning for 30 minutes, I figured someone must have gotten confused. It was a perfect storm because I didn't have either of Joanne's or Michelle's cell numbers and the house number I did have was busy. I couldn't have V. look at my email because he was with I. attending the Father's Day event at her school. Finally, I got through on their house phone and was told that tomorrow morning is when we're meeting.

That's a bummer because I specifically said today since I knew I. had the event with V. so I wouldn't be missing out on possible family time. Since it's taken about 3 months to pin down a date with Joanne and Michelle, I couldn't even suggest rescheduling. So much for family day tomorrow. At least we'll have a leisurely morning to read the papers and then we'll have a little time in the afternoon together before I. goes to bed. And it will give V. and I. some special alone time together.

I noticed today V. making an effort to interact with I.. They wrestled this morning and he told her how excited he was to go to her school with her and after the event he even took her to a park and played with her. Who is this man is what I want to know. He speaks, he plays, he asks questions, he interacts, he brings flowers for no reason. Skeptic is very suspicious of all of this.

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