Friday, June 4, 2010

Roller Coaster

Yesterday was my therapy appointment and it kicked my ass. V. and I were the topic of it considering what has been going on lately and it was painful. For the first time in awhile, I walked out in worst shape than when I walked in. Last night I was laughing to myself thinking that I needed a therapy session to recover from my therapy session.

Of course, as luck would have it, this was also the night that V. didn't call me. Why do things always happen like that? One was hard enough, the second did me in. I knew he had probably just fallen asleep but the timing of it couldn't be much worse. If he wasn't asleep and was still out to dinner with people, I didn't want to be that "why haven't you called me?" wife and if he was asleep, I didn't want to wake him up and then have him awake til 2am (that's happened accidently before). So instead, I just got very very sad and cried myself to sleep.

When we called this morning so that I. could talk to V., he said he was watching the last 7 minutes of the Laker game when sleep just snuck up on him. I said that maybe next time, he should call me before he laid down to watch the game "just in case". It was pretty obvious that I wasn't mad, just sad but he said he had to go so we hung up. A few minutes later the phone rang and it was V. He said he wanted to check to see if I was okay so we talked a little bit but we're not going to have THAT conversation over the phone so it wasn't a heart-to-heart conversation. Just the fact that he did call back for that reason alone counts for something and gives me hope. We figured out date night for tomorrow so that's also something to look forward to.

I like roller coasters but not emotional ones. V. comes home tonight for the weekend so I'm hoping that we can have a really good family weekend and date night before he flies out on Monday morning. Just have to make it another 2 months (hopefully) when he will be able to work here during the week. I just know it will make a big difference in our lives.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

I knew that was a tough session, but glad to hear the issues got talked about with V before his two week trip. Sometimes guys are just clueless.