Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer Vacation Day One

I thought I would take full advantage of the leisurely pace of summer vacation. At least that's how I picture it for the most part. Not having to hurry to the gym so that we can hurry and eat so that we can hurry and go to school, hurry to get things accomplished during those short 2.5 hours, hurry back to pick I. up, hurry home for dinner, bath, and bed. Makes me tired just writing it but that's what 3 out of 5 of our days have consisted of this school year. Yeah, I know I brought it on myself because I want to go to the gym and want to get I. in bed on time. But by skipping either of those will cause mental and emotional breakdowns of me and I., respectively.

But now it's summer vacation and I read all the paper, looked through blogs, and am trying to write this post while I. is requesting for the fifth time that I put her headset for her electric guitar. That noise level is about to go off the charts which will directly cause my train of thought to go off the tracks so I had better get moving. We're off to a tea party at lunch for all the girls in I.'s preschool class. It's a very cute idea and it will be fun watching the girls interact with one another.

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