Friday, June 18, 2010

One on One

I need to balance out my last obscenity laden post with a nice one I think. I've got to tell you, once I finished that last post I felt much better. Yesterday I. and I went to the Fair all day and we had a really good time looking at the all the animals, the photograph displays, some of the things that were being sold, and all the scary crazy rides they have this year. Then we went over to the Kiddie section, rode a bunch of rides, and had a yogurt sundae with fresh strawberries. It was just fun to be together, laughing and having fun; a nice change to our normal routine of fun being fit around "what needs to get done".

Today is another day apart from the routine. My brother gave my mom and I a massage certificate for Mother's Day two years ago and she's been putting it off. One, because she doesn't like massages AT ALL and two, because my sister the millstone prevented it with her constant draining presence. Well, finally we're going to do it which means that I. gets to spend 4 hours by herself with my dad, which is a first. They are going to have so much fun and I love that I. gets that time by herself with him. And I'm looking forward to the massage of course and some one on one time with my mom. Of course, my sister threw a rip roaring fit about the whole thing but screw her. We're having lunch at the spa and then some relaxation time before the massage and it should be really fun. As much as my mother drives me nuts on the phone, if you get her away from my sister and are one on one in person, we have a lot of fun, usually with many rude comments from me triggering her laughter and tears which just eggs me on.

V. is coming home tonight. I asked about the girls coming down this weekend and he said the ex had left a message on his phone that "the girls have activities this weekend" so they won't be coming down. He kind of bit my head off a little when he said that so I know it hurt him and that hurts me. It's Father's Day for crying out loud, make an effort. He asked how I. was and I made a point of telling him that she was psyched for Father's Day, how she's been working feverishly on his card, had spent time picking out the perfect presents and wrapping them. Hopefully it made him feel a little better. I think it did 'cause I heard a smile in his voice when he responded to what I said.

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