Thursday, August 8, 2013

Days 50-52

Day 50 of summer was my little guy's 2nd birthday.  I just can't believe it.  I. and I sang him Happy Birthday while he was still in the crib and though he didn't completely understand, he knew we were singing to him and that made him happy.  Melissa and Caroline came over for a playdate and after I. came home from VBS, we had a little party with cupcakes that Melissa had brought over and D. opened the two presents they had gotten him.  This year, he definitely understands how to open a present up and when he saw that it was an airplane with people and a door that opened and closed, he was in love and spent the rest of the time inspecting its wheels and opening and closing the door.  Plus it plays music so it really can't get any better than that.  He was so jazzed about it that I let him take it in the crib with him during afternoon rest time.  Sunday will be our family party and the girls will be coming down by train Saturday night so that will be exciting for everyone.  It will be a full house!

Yesterday was I.'s last day of VBS.  I also had to run to Home Depot this morning to get some items we will need in order to pass house inspection which was supposed to have happened next Monday.  I. and I played pretend restaurant and served up 21 of her stuffed animals with various menu items which was fun.

This morning my realtor let me know that our buyer backed out due to a family emergency.  I don't know that I buy that.  Last night I spent hours getting all these financial statements together for the lender so that he can provide our realtor with a preapproval document to make us more attractive buyers.  Being contingent makes us unattractive. On top of that, in this market you have to include with your bid/offer a biography of your family introducing yourselves and telling why they should accept your bid.  It also makes you "more attractive".   This whole process could give you a complex I swear.  Anyways, now we're back to square one with showings and a need to keep everything perfect while having 2 little ones underfoot.  That part really sucks.  The only good I can see of this is that the inventory has dropped significantly the last week so I was starting to feel stressed that now our house was in escrow and now there were no homes coming on the market.  Guess we'll see what happens.

The rest of the day was good except of course bedtime when the kids were tired and bouncing off the walls and my patience was running out.  The last 2 weeks since we got home V. has worked all 5 weekdays in Arizona so it's been a little rough on me.  Today though I had planned a short adventure for the 3 of us and it turned out really well.  We caught the trolley just east of Qualcomm and then rode it about 4 stops to Mission Valley where it dropped us off right in front of Sammy's Wood Fired Pizza.  We had lunch there, walked around for 20 minutes or so and caught the trolley back to our car.  Both kiddos were so excited and for the rest of the day, D. kept making the sign for train because he was so thrilled by the whole thing.  I got the idea when V. and I took the trolley to the game on Sunday and I was looking out the window at the stops.  So glad we did it and both kids were really well mannered.  A good day with good memories made!

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