Monday, September 6, 2010

Date Afternoon

Yesterday's date afternoon at the movies was good - it was nice to get a break and go out with V. while we still had some energy. Of course, all we did was head straight to the theater, sit there for 3 hours and then come home so we didn't really need all that much energy. But it was fun, nice and unusual for us.

Still fighting off sickness and now hoping that V. doesn't catch it. Not to be mean, but don't us ladies all know how different sickness in a man looks vs. when we're sick? I was sick all last week and this weekend but did that change what my normal "stay at home mom" day looked like? Not in the least because I had no choice - the groceries still needed to be shopped for, the girl entertained and taken care of, the laundry done etc. But if V. gets sick, even just a touch of it, the world as we know it will come to an end. There will be no movement, no fun, no smiles, no speaking - just a basic shutdown of everything. And of course, a really bad mood thrown in there just to make it that much more miserable. Thank God he doesn't get sick very often. He's tired right now so I've sent him to nap and hopefully he'll feel better.

This afternoon, we're supposed to finally go to the Del Mar Horse Races. I. remembered when we went last year and has been talking about it but we've been putting it off. So here we are on Labor Day heading there. Maybe it won't be as crowded as I think but on the plus side, it's going to be nice and cool out there on the coast which is MUCH better than sweating to death especially with lots of people around. Hopefully it'll be a fun day, the last day before I. starts school again tomorrow. I can't believe summer went by so fast.

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