Wednesday, September 15, 2010

First Full Day on the Job

I know, I know I haven't posted about Las Vegas. I promise, it's coming. That's going to be a long one so I have to save it for an evening post. Plus, I have to download the pics. But it's coming...soon.

Today is the first morning I was back on duty. Yesterday I picked up I. at my parents' house at 11am so I woke up all by myself, not in full duty mode unlike this morning. For the last 3-4 hours of sleep, I had a night terror and at least 3 other nightmares that interrupted my sleep greatly. Lovely. V.'s back in San Fran so I'm on my own again just like the song says. After being with V. 24/7 for 10 days thanks to that furlough, it's hard to go back to this state. Oh well.

At least this afternoon won't be as hectic as yesterday. I was like a hamster on a wheel and it wasn't very enjoyable. The only thing I have to get done while I. is in school is grocery shopping. Oh and fold and put away 2 enormous loads of colored laundry, start the whites, gather up I.'s laundry for the next load, and put away my suitcase. Hmmm, all of a sudden the afternoon is looking busy. Interesting how that happens around this joint. But it's either do it then or wait til I. is in bed when I'm tired. But it's supposed to be such nice weather today that I think I'll try to find a couple of minutes to relax outside on the patio. Even just a few minutes will be worth it.

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