Saturday, August 28, 2010

Some Good Escapes

The last few days have been better ones. I've been doing better with the no talking, no emotion aspect of parenting I. When she has thrown a fit or become defiant, I've been calmly saying, "Feel free to and then just walking downstairs and going on with my life. After a period of time, she does finish and comes down but I haven't had to waste any emotional energy in the process.

I also have gotten a couple of escape hours in the last couple of days which always helps me. Yesterday I took I. to a drop-off childcare place for a couple of hours while I had lunch with a good friend of mine. It was so nice to just have it be two adults, carrying on an uninterrupted conversation, and just relax and laugh with each other. Since the girls were here today, V. and I went to the gym in shifts so I got another hour and a half to myself. Just being able to drive in the car alone with whatever music I want, as loud as I want it is fortifying to my psyche.

The weather today is also making me feel good. It's almost fall weather, which is my favorite weather and the reason we got married in October. Of course, this is fall weather, SoCal style but if you're a native, you know what fall weather is. The warm sun, muted sunlight, and cool breeze that moves through the trees. It's weather to sit out on the patio with a good book with. It's the weather that brings the promise that soon it'll be time to break out the sweatshirts again. It's the calm before the storm of winter with all of it's stressful, rushed holidays filled with expenses, expectations, disappointments, and family drama. I know, the holidays aren't ALL like that but don't they still have that potential?

The only down part of today is that my dad had an important interview yesterday and as he always does, had put all of his emotional eggs into the basket. The interview didn't go well, not because he didn't do well, but because it was obvious that the job is not what he thought it was and not a good fit for him. So he's back to the dumps, convinced he's losing the house. I've taken the last few nights off from the job search just because I have been so mentally tired at the end of the day that I've been giving myself a break. After this update though, I feel the pressure to start working on that again.

Maybe after this afternoon's margaritas at our weekly dinner, it won't look so daunting a task.

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