Thursday, August 12, 2010

Unexpected Kindness

On Tuesday, I. and I went over to my parents' house to spend the day with them. Originally, we were supposed to pick strawberries but since we had to wait until my deadbeat sister wasn't at their house every day, the strawberries are gone. Strawberry Fields ain't forever it seems.

It was a good visit, a low-key one but I left worried about both of my parents. My mom has had various health issues over the last few years. You wouldn't know to look at her and they just seem to keep coming and it's getting her down. Yesterday she had to have oral surgery with a process that will not be completed until next February; pretty major. They had to put her completely out and yesterday's surgery took a couple of hours. My dad is depressed about losing his job and especially hurt and betrayed by his so called friend dumping him on the street. He's losing weight and seems pretty fragile. It was hard to see.

Tuesday night after we got home and I got I. in bed, I thought of a good surprise that would at least put a smile on their faces. Wednesday after the gym, we loaded the car up with a homemade dinner for my dad, plus yellow roses and a balloon for my mom, and a card for both of them. We let ourselves into their house and set things up so that they'd see them as soon as they walked in. It worked and they were surprised and touched that we drove an hour RT to set it up especially since we were just up there the day before. It was worth it though.

For her next procedure, I'll plan a little better and when we visit the day before, I'll bring the dinner etc. with me then. Yeah, it won't be a surprise waiting for them when they get home but it was this time and it'll still be nice for them next time. There's nothing like unexpected kindness in the middle of hard times.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

What a great way to feel a bit better--doing an unexpected kindness for someone else. What a great daughter you are!