Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Up Side

Originally, today was the day I was going to have I.'s favorite babysitter (you know, the one we use about twice a year) come over for a few hours and play with I. before she moved away to go to college. Due to an early bedtime, I. is in bed by the time the babysitter arrives so she doesn't get to play with her. So I promised I. I would have her come over to play.

We set the date and I immediately called over to my massage place in hopes that my favorite therapist was working and she was. SCORE! Later on that night, the babysitter texted that she forgot she did have to do something on that day and could we reschedule. The next day, I was getting ready to cancel the massage when I realized that was stupid especially considering that I had just found a drop in child care place that I. likes.

Bringing me to today...I'm so happy I didn't cancel my massage because after a week of being coughed on by I., I am sick. Not feverish, bone chills and aches sick, (thankfully!)but the swollen lymph glands, sore throat, tired, cough sick. I'm going to take the day off from the gym, sub in the grocery shopping, drop I. off at the play place, and head off to my massage. God knows after that vacation I need one and it will be A LOT cheaper for me to get one here than in Vegas, which is a mere 10 days away.

Speaking of that vacation, last night I saw pictures of Hurricane Earl pounding the exact place where our condo was and I thought, "Hmm, so that's how our vacation could have been worse!" It's always nice to see something worse than you experienced personally, right? It brings out all those thoughts that start with, "Well, at least..."

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