Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Toss Up

This vacation has been a toss up so far and we're halfway through now. We've had fun and the ocean water is wonderful - warm and that turquoise blue. I've been able to read in the evening outside listening to the waves which has been nice. The bad part has been that all my fears about I. having a difficult time with the time change were right on target. I know my daughter. She's not the kid who just goes to sleep when she is completely wiped out and done for the day. She's the one that goes literally balls to the wall until she can't. And "can't" doesn't mean go to sleep. "Can't" means she loses it emotionally. She cannot handle anything, not one more thing. My description of this is "emotional whack job" because this describes it perfectly. Anything and everything can set it off and it will continue for hours. Screaming tantrums, crying meltdowns - it can be a melting popsicle or a stern look from me to set it off.

I've been trying my best to get her the sleep she needs because I don't want V. and her sisters who don't see her often to see the worst of her. This is not how she normally acts unless she doesn't get sleep. I've moved up her bedtime to get her 12 hours a night but it's obviously not enough, especially considering the major deficit the first two nights. Already I'm thinking ahead to the long day of travelling we have facing us on Wednesday because if she continues down this road (a building sleep deficit), things are going to be REALLY dicey on that day. I got her in bed at 6:45 tonight after a day at the beach and she would have gone to sleep if not for the poopies that showed up at 8:00 and her claim that she was now hungry. So much for the earlier bedtime, now she's sure to be an emotional whack job tomorrow.

I enjoy and rest in between these stresses and tantrums but it's hard to let go completely especially knowing we have that long travel day and that things are deteriorating further each day. I used to dread going home after a vacation but maybe I won't this time because I'll be looking forward to getting I. back on her sleep schedule and her normal food (which has been an issue too). I guess that might be a benefit of a semi-tough vacation.

Nothing is panning out for my dad work wise this week and he sounds dejected. Maybe being away on this vacation isn't so bad...

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

I was hoping to see a blog from you tonight to know how things are going. But the news re I isn't so good. I'm so sorry to hear that. I don't know when I've knows a kid so sleep sensitive, but you sure do know her well. I'm going to pray for good sleep the next couple days.