Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Making It Through

Nothing exciting going on over here this morning. Yesterday, I successfully made it through Monday's transition back into a single parent for the rest of the week. Every Monday things just seem a little more difficult, complicated, and overwhelming because it's back to being the only adult on duty. Someday, someday, we'll have a more normal life. Of course, I've been saying this same exact thing since February 2005 and I'm still waiting. If you don't have hope, what do you really have?

But that was yesterday and this morning is moving at a leisurely pace. The main event of the day is lunch at Mark's parents' house to go over the final details of his party on the 24th. I actually wish we could have met a neutral location like before, especially with his anniversary looming around the corner because I know when I walk in there with I. I'll be right back to almost exactly a year ago when we went over on a Sunday which will always be known as "Our Last Visit". Everything happened in that house and now I'm going back there today. But what am I going to say to his mom? "Um, yeah, I never want to come to your house ever again because all it reminds me of is Mark, my missing friendship, and those last 3 days of him dying." It's just not something to say to a grieving mother. So I'll just have to hope for the best and concentrate on the party.

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