Thursday, July 22, 2010

Toy Story 3

Since yesterday was one of those "get things done" kind of day, we're going to head to see Toy Story 3 this morning before an afternoon of getting things done. That's just the name of the game when you're leaving for a week. I thought it would be a good idea to go see a kids movie to keep the grief at bay being that Mark's anniversary is tomorrow. Knowing how kids' movies are nowadays, I'll probably end up crying my eyes out at some point. Why do they make kids' movies so sad? I know it's not a new phenomenon; I mean look at Old Yeller for crying out loud. But when I was a kid, movies for the most part were funny and yeah, silly 'cause that's what kids like. But nowadays, they have to add some reminiscent parts that hit all the adults in the theater in the gut. We pay to take the kids and then they sucker punch us. Boy, like how that works. Well, here's to hoping I'm not regretting going to this movie in about 2 hours.

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