Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Thank You SO Much

Yes, you know who you are. You are the one who buys loud, annoying gifts and leaves them in my house to put up with. Take for instance right now, I. has the Tickle Me Elmo hands. They involve high pitch singing and loud music and cause I. to spaz around the living room usually ending up with the hands vibrating on my back. But these people say, "But they're SO cute and look how much I. likes them!" Yeah, she likes them until they put me, her mommy, in an irritable mood because I just want that annoying Elmo laughter and singing to stop as in RIGHT NOW.

Then we really see how much fun I. has with those things. If she didn't have such a gosh darn good memory, these type of toys would disappear under the cover of darkness like an underling in the mob. I may be a mean mommy but I'm also a mommy who wouldn't be able to deal with the guilt I would feel when I. asked, "Where did go?" If I really don't know where something is, I can answer "I don't know" with a clear conscience. But if I KNOW that it's sitting on a shelf in some Goodwill store waiting for a child, with a much nicer and less irritable mother, to pick it up and beg for its purchase, I'll be racked with guilt.

Guess that explains why there are so many annoying and obnoxious gifts in the house.

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