Thursday, July 15, 2010

Beach Day

Boy oh boy is it going to be hot the next few days! Not that it wasn't hot yesterday 'cause it was. I always worry that the A/C is going to break right in the middle of this heat probably because we did have a blackout last summer where everything turned off in the middle of 95 degree weather and I was a little panicked. You know that's one of the best things about going out to a Palm Desert condo - I can leave that A/C cranking and not worrying about the bill. Because SDGE is definitely going to be bending us over the next three days. Such vulgarity and rudeness early in the day, I know but it's an accurate summation of what will be occurring.

We're heading to the beach today to try and escape the heat. Yeah, us and thousands of other people with the same idea. I think I've narrowed the goals of this trip down to three:

  1. Obviously, that I. and I both have fun.
  2. I will somehow McGyver everything that needs to be carried onto my person and schlep it down to the sand in one trip.
  3. That there will be no crying jags or tantrums during or at the conclusion of this trip by either of us.

Simple enough, right? In theory perhaps, but when you have an intense, determined 4 year old around, things can go awry quickly and before you know it, you hear the proverbial flushing sound and things started swirling clockwise.

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