Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Really Good Day

A good day today for us! For the past couple of months, I've been craving breakfast at a specific restaurant but would always find reasons why I "shouldn't" go. But this morning, I was really craving it and in keeping with my current philosophy of "do it now", I. and I went and had breakfast out on a Saturday morning. Boy did it ever hit the spot and it put me in a good mood to do something pleasurable for the heck of it and have it be out of our normal routine. After satisfying that craving, we went straight to the gym to hopefully neutralize some of the dietary damage that was done.

After resttime, I decided that we would still go out for our usual Saturday linner despite eating out for breakfast. That would have been a definite "should not" before but I figured I would break the rules this once and I'm so glad I did because something unexpected happened that a couple of different things put into motion.

First, I bent my rule of no more than 1 meal out a day. Secondly, when we were driving by On the Border yesterday, I. asked what kind of food was at that restaurant and when I told her Mexican, she said she wanted to eat there on Saturday, as opposed to our El Torito tradition. So this afternoon, we went there and sat in a booth in the back of the bar area (nice and loud in there with lots of activity to keep I. entertained). We had been there about 15 minutes or so when I looked to my left and there was one of the waiters waiting for his drink orders. I couldn't see his face, just his hair but for some reason I kept looking long enough for him to lean back and OH MY GOSH - IT WAS LUIS - our waiter from El Torito who was like family (see ). He's been "our" waiter since before V. and I were married for crying out loud. We had I.'s 3rd birthday celebration there because of him! So we talked and laughed and I felt so happy because we found him again and better yet, he's just down the street from us. The only sad part, which will work itself out in time, is that even though I. did remember him, it's been exactly a year since she last saw him so she was acting shy, uncertain, and refused to smile at him. But, like I said, that'll work itself out. You can be sure that when V. is gone in Saudi Arabia, we will be having our linners there so that we will be taken especially good care of by a newly found friend!

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