Friday, November 27, 2009

A Day of Ups and Downs (#2)

I've already had another post with the same title but there just wasn't any other fitting title for today.

Here were the ups: the girls stayed another day, I wasn't on duty all night since I. was with my parents, I got to sleep until 9am (absolute bliss), we went mini-golfing,

We had a nice early dinner together, and they made a Christmas card for V. that I can put in his suitcase (I asked them to do this).

Here were the downs: V. was too tired to mini-golf with us and just moved from bench to bench, V. went to bed at 4pm until I rousted him at 7 but went back to bed at 7:30, the girls hibernated in their room from 4pm on, I started my period this afternoon, and V. never talks to the girls and it pisses me off and saddens me. I talk to them, ask questions, laugh with them and he just sits there in front of the computer or at the table and just says nothing unless he's had a margarita and has loosened up. I just don't get it - he was such an engaging, involved dad when they were 8 but the last 6 years or so, he just disengaged and it bugs me. I've talked to him about it but there's no change. He didn't even tell the girls that he wasn't going to be here for Christmas (they found out from me when I asked them to make a card for him) - that's just fucked up.

There were ups today but right now, I'm just tearing up because even though it's a full house tonight, I'm sitting here alone. I think all the girls had a good time mini-golfing, I was having to push down my frustration and disappointment that V. was COMPLETELY disengaged from us. I know he has horrible jet lag but it just hurt that he was separate from us. I have an early date night scheduled for tomorrow night and really, I don't hold much hope for it. Maybe if I keep my expectations down to nothing, I'll be pleasantly surprised. We'll see...

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