Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I.'s First Day of Preschool

So, surprise, surprise, I made it through today without any tears. I. was so jazzed about school this morning that I couldn't help but get caught up in it. Here's I. waiting for us to take her to school:

When we went to leave, she gave me a hug and a big smile and pushed V. out of the room so I guess I did my job well.

I picked her up in a blink of the eye and she loved school as I knew she would. She had so much to talk about, all the new experiences, and when we read about all the fun things happening in the upcoming weeks, she was so excited that she gave me a hug. The most amazing thing to me, the person who has had to suffer through the painful potty training process of the last 3 months, I. STAYED DRY THE WHOLE AFTERNOON! I was hoping that would be the case but didn't think it would actually occur. I keep my fingers crossed that this wasn't just a first day fluke!

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