Friday, September 4, 2009

One Up, One Down

The situation with my mom's group appears to be on its way to being resolved as someone stepped up and into the role as organizer with all of our help and support. So that's good.

Unfortuntely, I injured myself at the gym yesterday morning and after 24 hours of significant pain, I went to Urgent Care this morning and was told that I most likely had ripped a tendon connected to my right shoulder (my writing hand), put in a sling, with major doses of ibuprofen and muscle relaxers for tonight. Last night's sleep was not good - every time I moved the pain shocked me awake.

So poor V. walks into this nightmare last night but seems to be handling it okay. He comes home to having to help his wife undress for the shower, then dress after the shower. I keep teasing him this is a preview of things to come though actually, it's just a payback of sorts from when V. ruptured his Achilles' tendon and I was his Florence Nightingdale. I usually complain about the timing of things in my life, but I am thankful because I don't know how I would put bras and shirts on at this point. So for once, I think I actually had timing work out for me. That's the bright side of the painful, lousy situation.

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