Friday, September 11, 2009

Lessons Learned

Here are the lessons I've learned from the first semi-week of I.'s school:

1. I still enjoy my alone time.
Did I miss I. terribly? Yes. But did I REALLY enjoy the alone time I had? Absolutely! Whether it was relaxing, talking on the phone, reading, doing grocery shopping or things around the house, I had the freedom to do what I wanted to/needed to in whatever order I wished without a questionner in the backseat. I am already planning social and personal things weeks in advance. It's been almost 4 years since I have been able to do this!

2. This time apart reenergizes me and makes me appreciate I.'s and my time together.
I guess this is one of those situations where "you don't know what you've got until it's gone" kind of things. But today after 2 days of school, I was looking forward to enjoying time with I., just the 2 of us. If it was up to I., she would be going to school every day, that's how much she loves it, which is good news and bad news for me, the momma. But today, we had a leisurely morning, did some work around the house, went to our pool, and then to a playdate for I. that also included a much needed massage for me. I really enjoyed the time we played and spent together and I. did too so maybe school is helping with taking each other for granted.

3. Pre-school is exactly what I. needs right now.
She is ready and excited and that is how I want her to approach school. I want so much for her to be confident, strong and able to handle all the cruelties that school brings. I know, I shouldn't be so negative but I know how little girls are already at this age. I talked with her the night before school that somebody may be mean to her (something she has never experienced thus far in her 3.5 years) and how she just needs to walk away and find the children that are kind to her. It breaks my heart to have to say this to her but better she is prepared that it may happen than not be prepared and be totally shocked at school.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

I can completely understand everything you've written in this post. I am all about my alone time. It is refreshing. It makes my family a whole lot happier. Summer is rough for me because EVERYONE is here and I rarely get any time alone. Today I went and saw "Love Happens" (don't see will tug on the scab more, not worth it) and I went alone. I love being alone. I guess that's a sign of contentment with ones self, huh?