Saturday, October 2, 2010

Nothing Like Stating the Obvious

When we came back from Puerto Rico, getting the papers restarted turned into a major hassle as in multiple phone calls every morning for about a week. It was truly ridiculous. It culminated in the ultimate in stupidity when I happened to look down a random "alley" at the end of our long row of townhouses and saw 8 papers sitting there. This "alley" is more like an outdoor hallway and contains the water main and SDGE electrical/gas readouts for the whole row. Doesn't that sound like a good place to deliver all my papers? Yeah, believe me I thought so too.

It appears that we're going back to that place of paper insanity because out of the blue, after many weeks of successful delivery, we didn't get 2 out of 3 of our papers yesterday. Then today, the same thing. However, when V. drove down the street on his way to get the girls this morning, he happened to glance down this same "alley" and lo and behold there were our 2 papers from this morning. So I had the pleasure of calling one of the newspaper companies and had this lovely, cerebral conversation to start my weekend:

Me: "They are delivering the papers to an small alley at the end of my townhome row. There is nothing there but the water mains and electrical boxes for everyone's house."

Them: "Well, where would you like your paper delivered?"

The fact that this question was even asked made me want to cancel the paper right then. What were my options I wonder? The roof, my bedside table, under my pillow?? I almost asked but Saturday morning is no time for sarcasm. So instead I said:

"My front porch?"

And she said, "I'll put that in the instructions for the carrier, that you would like it delivered to your front porch."

Oh my gosh, what is this world coming to when a newspaper delivery guy has to be specifically told to deliver the said newspaper to the front porch?! Scary, that's what this is.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Scary Indeed!