Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Stupidity Part Deux

I hate to seem like I'm on the "everybody is stupid" rant because really I'm not. It's just that things that I would expect to be obvious and required are becoming hard to find.

I already expounded on the newspaper delivery challenge here. Here's the other thing: in less than a week, the same freeway overpass has been hit twice resulting in the entire freeway being closed down for a cumulative 7 hours. Doesn't that sound like something that should immediately be looked at and remedied? Of course not, why do that when you can just shift the blame around like a shell game?

"It's up to the driver of the big rig and their company to ensure that they can clear all bridges and overpasses in their route."

Uh, yeah but they aren't. This overpass has been hit twice, once dislodging a steel beam from it and today, dislodging a tractor off of a flatbed which collided into someone's vehicle. What the heck are they waiting for - a fatality?

Not only is the freeway hosed in a MAJOR way, it makes me wonder how foundationally sound the bridge itself is since it keeps taking direct hits. But no worries, just continue passing the buck and pointing fingers. We'll just keep our fingers crossed locally and hope that nothing really bad happens.

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