Thursday, October 14, 2010

Unstructured and Inefficient

You know those times when you get absolutely frustrated because you are trying to get one simple thing done but by the time seven other things have interrupted you, it winds up becoming an all day project? That's kind of how today's schedule is looking.

Today is supposed to be my big chunk of time to get something or nothing done. Originally I was supposed to have lunch with a friend (same one that cancelled last week) so I figured I could drop I. off, run to the gym, have lunch with my friend and still have a chunk of time before it was time to pick I. up.

Instead, it's looking like one big fragmented day which tends to drive my highly organized mind crazy because more often than not, the day ends and I really haven't gotten anything of consequence accomplished. Which frustrates me to no end.

So how did my efficient day disintegrate? Well, my lunch got changed to coffee to occur 30 minutes after dropping I. off so that eliminates going to the gym beforehand. Then the pumpkin patch is being set up today at I.'s school and during their playground time, there will be pictures and she'll get to pick out a pumpkin. Last year, this happened right before school ended but this year, it's at 2pm, an hour before the end of school. I. asked me twice in an hour yesterday if I would come to the pumpkin patch and how could I possibly say no? Especially considering that I'm constantly hearing the clock ticking down when she's in school full-time and I'll only get a few hours, if that, with her during the weekdays. Plus, of course I want to see her at her pumpkin patch.

I responded yes I would be there and now I. has requested that after the pumpkin patch, I come back into her classroom for the rest of the school day. So there goes that chunk of time. I don't know what'll I'll be doing in between the two schedule-busting events. I guess I'll pack gym clothes just in case and some reading material and I'll just play it by ear. My favorite.

I don't think it helps any that I had many nightmares and a screaming night terror last night. They just wouldn't stop - talk about exhausting. Nights like that almost make me happy when it's time to get up. Note: I used the word "almost" ...

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