Wednesday, October 20, 2010

As Promised - Pictures

I still haven't figured out the rhyme and reason to the order of posting pics on here. It seems no matter the order I upload the pic in, they are shuffled. So "bear" (see first pic) with me:

We had to wait quite a long time to get a piece of pie at Mom's Pies. Once we got in there, I was happy to see something that would distract I. and make for a cute picture too. I have to say, she waited in line really well!

Picking apples at the apple orchard just outside of Julian. It was off the beaten path and we drove with our windows down to enjoy the cold mountain air and forest views.

Heading into Dudley's for a carb-fest of bread. We both look forward to having a piece at breakfast every day.

Our apple bag was getting full and heavy as I. found out. I made some baked apples with dried cranberries, honey, and walnuts as a filling - awesome!

This is where we ended up eating lunch in Julian. Had her pose with the menu since the name of the restaurant rhymed with her name.
Such a good time for both of us. Now if I could just figure out how to have the DVD playing in the backseat without me having to listen to it too, we'd be in business. I've done it successfully once and it was a godsend. For this trip, I had to listen to Curious George and some other British cartoons that got stuck in my brain for days on the way up and back. We only use the DVD player for long (once a year) trips so I. is thrilled when I announce that we're going to use it. I do have to say that I'll take Curious George ANY DAY over Elmo's Adventure full-length movie that we played on the way to Palm Desert last New Year's (I. and I again). Now that was torturous!

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