Saturday, July 11, 2009

A Really Good Day

Finally, we had a really good day. I say good, not great, only because Mark is in the hospital not doing well and V. is still not home. But in the grand scheme of things, I am thrilled with today.

The relationship between I. and I has been tenuous at times the past month and a half due to potty training and behavioral problems. Potty training is slowly getting better so the frustration level is lower but the behavioral problems have intensified especially since V. has been gone. Spitting at me, talking back, and generally being defiant when I ask her to do (or not do) something are the top three things we've been addressing. I realize these things make her sound like an unmitigated brat but I. really is not - she's just passionate and impulsive (yeah, she's 3) and she's dealing with her daddy being gone for long periods of time. Of course, I write this calmly and with perspective as she's asleep now. Too bad, I don't have this same perspective in the heat of battle!

Anyways, the last 2 days she's lost all television privileges and 1 day of crayons/markers and while it didn't really seem to faze her, lo and behold this morning I saw a change in her behavior. I asked her to put away some toys, she hesitated as if she was going to balk and then began to put them away. Hallelujah! And the rest of the morning continued much the same way. Fingers crossed, she understands that I mean what I say and testing will be kept to a healthy minimum.

We also went to her best friend's birthday party and stayed all day and I. had a blast between the pool, the bouncy house, and the food table. I got to catch up with some momma friends I haven't seen since the end of May and really miss while I. was having a blast. Came home just in time for dinner, bath, and bedtime. Even I. appreciated the good day because at bedtime, I hugged and kissed her and said "We had a really good day today, didn't we?" and I. said "Yes, I love you Mommy." And for me at this point in my life, it doesn't get any better than that.

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