Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Easter Vacation

It's been busy busy busy the last few weeks.  We celebrated my birthday last week with a dinner out with V. after an afternoon massage that felt oh so good since my neck and back have been killing me the past few weeks.  It wasn't a weekend in Laguna Beach but it was still a good birthday.  I'm hoping for plenty of future birthday weekends in Laguna but this year, I have to admit I was okay with foregoing it since the reason why was my nursing baby boy.  Tradeoffs aren't always bad.

This week is I.'s Easter vacation week and I have to say after last week, I was kind of holding my breath.  Last week was a buildup to Friday which included her class Easter party, birthday cupcake, and Mommy being at the party.  It resulted in a sobbing fit in the middle of the party thanks to low blood sugar, excitement, tiredness, excess stimulation and a soft place in sight (me).  The amazing thing is that I predicted it about 15 minutes beforehand to another mother and like she said to me, "You know your kid."  Yes, I do but it doesn't mean the problem can be averted because the factors are out of my control, both externally in her environment and internally within her.  But we got through it in the bathroom, me with D. hanging on me in the sling and her burying her face in my leg, but she was able to make it through and enjoy the 2nd half of her party.  It makes me shudder to think of I. and puberty.

On vacation days she's a different kid.  Even different than on weekends when having V. home throws a different dynamic and emotion into it.  On vacations I. is cheerful, carefree, positive, relaxed, flexible.  She is not defiant, negative, argumentative.  She shows affection freely and often.  I swear she is her father keeping her emotions locked up tight when she is focused on school but because she is only 6, the control slips by the time she gets home and I wind up with a handful of grump.

The first two days of vacation have been great - we've been baking, playing, and getting work done cheerfully around the house.  She is a different child, an easier child and not surprisingly I am not out of patience by the end of the day nor am I completely and totally exhausted by the time the kids are in bed.  I'm even able to write a post about it.  I am enjoying our week together, the slower pace, and her company and it makes me look forward to summer right around the corner.

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