Wednesday, April 4, 2012


We went to the Wild Animal Park (I refuse to call it whatever new politically correct name they have changed it to) to see the Butterfly Jungle with my parents.  It was amazing to remember last year when we went because it seems like it was just last month and I had D. growing in my belly.

We enjoyed the day together and ended it with a carousel ride for I.  When I was buying the ticket for I., I realized that D. would probably really enjoy it so I took him on it too.  He loved going up and down, holding on to the pole and trying to grab the ear of the animal he was riding on.  He kept looking at me with a grin on his face of pure joy.  I was so thankful that I was there to see his smiling face.

I. and I enjoyed time this morning together making Easter cookies before our excursion.  Again, I was struck by her easygoing-ness and verbal appreciation.  It just seems like she's a different kid; it's kind of confusing to me and it's going to make next week when she goes back to school hard.  Tomorrow morning we're going to decorate our Easter eggs while D. is napping before we go to a play date with other kids down at Mission Bay.  This week is going by so quickly, it makes me sad.  It makes me think of how in five short months I. will be in school from 8:15-3:15, five days a week.  For all of the energy I. takes out of me during the afternoon weekdays, it makes me tear up to realize it's coming to an end.  Seriously, I am feeling like I am approaching the weaning process again - that rip/tear, a new level of maturity taking her farther apart from me and it hurts, badly.  My brain recognizes that this is how it has to be and should be but it doesn't make it any easier on my heart.  I foresee tears in the near future.

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