Friday, April 6, 2012

Over So Fast

The title is a double entendre.  Today was I.'s last day of Easter vacation and D.'s 8 month birthday.  It's been such a great week and I. and I (and D.) have had such a great time.  Yesterday morning we had a good time coloring Easter eggs.  It's always fun to do things with I. but what is so great and memorable are the little conversations we have while doing them.  These moments lead to lots of hugs and "you're so fun Mommy" comments which I love.  Did I mention I love when I. says I"m so fun since I am also the heavy around the house?  After the Easter eggs, we met at a park for a playdate for I. and hung out there for a couple of hours while she played and had a good time.

Today was a play it by ear day and we ended up going for a walk on a trail in a canyon complete with a flowing creek and a 1800's settler's grave.  I mean come on, does it get any better than this?  Before our walk while D. was sleeping, I. and I spent time together and when I told her we were going on a nature walk, she thought I meant around our complex so she wasn't that impressed.  However, when she saw we were going someplace new and we were really exploring some cool things, she had the best time.  Again, the day ended with her telling me how fun I was.  Why am I getting suspicious that she seems surprised?!

Although we had such a good time today, I was aware that this would be our last vacation day together and it made me sad.  It was such a great week and full of wonderful, bonding times (that part didn't make me sad) but it just went so fast and next week will be back to school, schedules, and tiredness.    On top of it, the fact that D. is 8 months old today is mind boggling.  I cannot believe that we are quickly approaching his year birthday.  It's just going so fast and I feel like I'm still figuring out weekly new ways to enjoy things with him and soon he's going to be walking and running away from me.  During the day, I live in the moment and enjoy it all with him but when I go to bed, I realize just how fast it's all going and I get sad.

So I guess the bottom line of this post is that no matter how much fun I have with my kids during the day, at night I"m sad.

I'm such a freak.

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