Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Two Days Off

Yesterday was my birthday, the big 4-0 and after much deliberation and research, I decided that this year Laguna Beach was the perfect place for a few reasons. First, it was the first place that V. and I went on an overnight trip together which was HUGE for both of us. Due to the significance and the solidifying effect it had on our relationship, we both have good memories of it. Secondly, the sound of waves crashing and the smell of salt air has a profoundly calming effect on both of us and after this year, we both needed that relaxing effect. It also seems to have a friskiness effect which is also not a bad thing!

Friday morning we dropped I. off at my parents and then stopped in El Toro to get a delicious cold sandwich and chips to share and continued north to a great picnic spot on the cliffs above the ocean. I had brought a cold white wine and had to sneak it into plastic cups as the signs informed us it was illegal to drink alcohol. Obviously we were off to our usual good start. From there, we were able to check into our quirky hotel - it scared me at first with its 1950's motor lodge appearance but the room itself was fine with a convenient refrigerator for adult beverages, a great patio right on the ocean and 10 steps from a great walking beach. Did I mention the awesome location?! Here's the kicker - we could have had a luxury room just up the street with no patio to speak of for $300 more! I love a great deal with great value. V. wanted to take a nap for a little bit Friday afternoon so I went for a beautiful walk down the beach and then came back for some relaxing reading on the patio with an adult beverage and then it was off to dinner. We went to a Mexican place right on the beach and had some great grilled tacos and margaritas and then got in bed at a decent time after reading for awhile.

Saturday was my actual birthday and I was up at 7:15 which was great considering V. was up at 6 am (thus the early bedtime the night before). We went to breakfast at a cool vibe but decent priced place and then walked back to the hotel for some relaxation in bed watching and howling at home improvement shows. Don't ask me what was so funny about it, but both of our pathetic funny bones were tickled and we just howled with laughter at these poor souls and made sarcastic comments at the same time, which was comforting because it does appear that we do still share the same sick brain.

That afternoon was Laguna Beach retro, meaning that last time we were there 9 years ago, V. brought a chess set, taught me how to play chess and then was appalled that I almost beat him. So last week, I bought a chess set since I couldn't find the original and surprised him with it. We had a good time once again and althought it was only my 2nd time at playing chess ever, I managed to give him a run for his money for 2 hours. V. is a strange guy in that attraction for him is very cerebral in addition to the visual so he really liked the fact that I was fighting up until the end of our chess game. Then we went on a walk on the beach, then some resttime for him while I enjoyed reading several things in tandem on the patio while enjoying the view.

V. surprised me that night with a night at Irvine Spectrum which is a entertainment haven with shopping, dining, and Dave & Buster's. Now, I'm a strange girl when it comes to shopping and I guess V. still didn't realize that. So when he told me that tonight we were shopping for my birthday present, whatever I wanted, I froze. And stressed. Because I don't shop, really I don't. Here's the extent of my shopping - I need something therefore I make a surgical strike to obtain that object usually after web research for the best deal. Or I'll happen to see something I really like and if it's in an acceptable price range, I'll allow myself to "splurge" and get it. But shopping under pressure - I don't do that.

V. was flabbergasted that I couldn't seem to just conjure up a list of things I wanted. A phone (no, mine if fine and I like it), jewelry (huh? I have jewelry, right?), clothes (I don't need anything but if I see something maybe). I wasn't trying to be difficult at all, actually I felt bad and that was the stress of it all because I knew he was trying to be generous and kind but I didn't see anything except for some cute black short cargo pants that I never would have bought because they were expensive in my book. But V. was happy and I'll probably wear them for the next 10 years so if you amoritize them, they'll be like $6 a year. LOL. Plus, I do need a new pair of sunglasses badly and V. knows that will be the second part of his present to me. We had a nice dinner and had fun playing games at D & B too.

This morning we got up, went to breakfast and had time to relax back at the room for a time before we hit the road. It was time to go back to reality and responsibilities, luckily there was a birthday celebration waiting for me too. We got to my parents' house and enjoyed appetizers, a wonderful filet mignon, cake and great presents too. Best of all, my girl, sometime nemesis, was waiting for me and said "Happy Birthday Momma!" when I walked in. If that doesn't melt your heart, I don't know what does. And the joy with which she gave me her picked out present, which took about 30 minutes for her to pick out, was perfect, lovely, and touched my heart. It's good to be a momma, sometimes you just need reminding in between the disciplining, teaching, tantruming etc.

But I'm the perfect momma for her because I have studied her since she was born. She's been my muse, obsession, craft, course of study and one thing I can say for certain is that I know her. During the afternoon, I could see things building up in her - tiredness, extra stimulation, alot of outdoor air and exercise, not enough food intake due to excitement, loving the fun of her grandparents now complicated with her love for her parents (unfortunately with all the rules of parents now included). For Seinfeld lovers, it's like "worlds colliding". So when the inevitable emotional breakdown came in response to a simple "no" to going outside and playing again, I knew what needed to be done. Everyone else was befuddled by her reaction but honestly, I was waiting for it because it was like the tide coming in, it was going to happen at a point in time. So I scooped her up, took her into the bathroom, and we sat on the toilet with her as she sobbed. After a couple of minutes of sobbing, hugging, and soothing, we were back out for the rest of the party. Still everyone seemed a little confused so I said, "Sometimes things just build up and a girl just needs to cry it out." and everything was okay.

A good celebration and definitely the weekend that V. and I needed together and separately. We laughed more this weekend than I think we did for the past year. We talked, laughed, shared, and enjoyed each other's company, minds, bodies, and senses of humor. Separately, V. got his sea air and some naps and I got the sound of the waves crashing, relaxation, and the ability to read many different things simultaneously during the day.

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